Bus, Ferry from Bangkok to Koh Chang

Bus, Ferry from Bangkok to Koh Chang


The cheapest trip from Bangkok to Koh Chang

by Bus + Ferry from


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600 THB
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Bangkok to Koh Chang Travel Information

Bus and ferry from Bangkok to Koh Chang! The trip starts at 8:00 in the morning and you arrive at your destination at 16:00 (4 pm). The comfortable bus with sleeping chairs leaves Bangkok from Khao San Road and goes all the way to Centerpoint Ferry Pier where you arrive at 15:00 (3 pm). At Centerpoint Ferry Pier you will be guided to the ferry which will take you to Koh Chang Ao Sapparot Pier. The whole trip will take 8 hours and will cost you only 625 THB.

Koh Chang is a very attractive destination for backpackers, solo travellers, couples, group of friends and families with kids. Chang island is situated in the Gulf of Thailand which comes together with turquoise water and a deep and beautiful jungle full of unique flora and fauna. The island is considered one of the biggest in the area and that’s why there are plenty of things to do for everyone and plenty of places to stay and explore! This is definitely a place for nature lovers as tremendous and gorgeous Mu Ko Chang National Park amazes with the number of beautiful trails for hiking and trekking. It is a fun attraction both for a relaxed time and picnic with your family or friends or for activities to learn about the Mu Ko Chang National Park’s surroundings. Wandering around you will come across Klong Plu Waterfall where you can swim and take a rest in the shade. 

The beaches of Koh Chang are one of the cleanest with the reach wild and underwater life. The coral reefs are what attracts divers here and it makes sense why!

Koh Chang is still remaining an undiscovered getaway in Thailand where you can have your perfect vacation, discovering Thailand, its food, culture and having a relaxing time by the beach swimming in warm water and sunbathing under tender Thailand’s sun.

Fastest trip
7 hours 0 minute
Cheapest ticket
600 THB
264 Kilometres
Trip per day
2 trips per day
Earliest trip at
Latest trip at
Transport operators
2 operators including
  • Travelmart
  • Boonsiri

Transport Operators of This Route

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Bangkok to Koh Chang

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