Minibus from Koh Lanta to Krabi

Minibus from Koh Lanta to Krabi


The cheapest trip from Koh Lanta to Krabi

by Bus from


350 THB

by Minibus from


350 THB
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Find tickets at the best price by comparing trips operate by Cooperative Krabi, Ao Nang Travel . And get extra discount when you book more trips.

Find tickets at the best price by comparing trips operate by Cooperative Krabi, Ao Nang Travel . And get extra discount when you book more trips.

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Koh Lanta to Krabi Travel Information

Bus from Koh Lanta to Krabi with flexible timetable and hotel pick up! The fastest bus route from Koh Lanta to Krabi takes 1 hour and 45 minutes. The longer options are also available. The price starts at 350 THB! You may save money by purchasing tickets with your friends, return tickets and tickets to your next destination. The more tickets you buy, the bigger the discount.

Krabi is quite a popular place in Thailand. It is a big province which hosts one of the most popular destinations for beach lovers such as Phi Phi Islands with its gorgeous beaches, white sand beaches and famous Phi Phi Leh National Park, Ao Nang Beach with crazy beautiful sunsets and fun nightlife and Railay, the place you can only get by a long-tailed boat during the high tide and which is famous for its hidden beaches, the best rock climbing spots and chill atmosphere. The location of Krabi province which is on southern Thailand’s west coast makes it possible for mangrove forests, limestone cliffs and hundreds of small islands bloom around. These are the main highlights of Krabi. Plus Krabi town is a great stop from where you can head to every top destination in Thailand. Besides, It is a great stop to explore Tiger Cave Temple, where pilgrims from all over the world go to clear their bodies and mind. Tiger Cave (or Wat Tham Suea) is a famous temple complex with the natural wonder - the cave for prayers and amazing view. The way up to the temple is not an easy one, so go there early in the morning before the afternoon heat hits you. And don't forget the water! In the evening Krabi Town is a cosy place to visit. You may walk around the embankment and meet the perfect sunset among the famous Krabi rocks and have a delicious dinner with fresh seafood or in the night market.

Fastest trip
1 hour 45 minutes
Cheapest ticket
350 THB
49 Kilometres
Trip per day
7 trips per day
Earliest trip at
Latest trip at
Transport operators
2 operators including
  • Cooperative Krabi
  • Ao Nang Travel

Transport Operators of This Route

Travellers impressions of Koh Lanta to Krabi route

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Travel to Krabi

Koh Lanta to Krabi

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